Partnership With JESG Integrated

Victoria Gold Foundation joined forces with JESG Integrated, a leading organization focused on local development of agriculture and enterprise, to organize a collaborative event. The event aimed to harness the collective strengths of both organizations and promote sustainable agricultural practices, empower farmers, and drive local economic growth. It was a remarkable occasion that showcased the power of partnership and the potential for transformative change in the agricultural sector.

Event Details:

The event brought together stakeholders from the agricultural community, including farmers, experts, entrepreneurs, and local government representatives. The venue was set up to facilitate knowledge sharing, networking, and interactive sessions to foster collaboration and innovation in agriculture.

  1. Keynote Addresses and Panel Discussions: Renowned experts and thought leaders delivered keynote addresses, shedding light on the importance of sustainable agriculture, local enterprise development, and the role of partnerships in driving positive change. Panel discussions provided a platform for insightful conversations, allowing participants to share their experiences, best practices, and innovative ideas.

  2. Workshops and Training Sessions: The event featured a series of workshops and training sessions tailored to address the specific needs of farmers and entrepreneurs. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including modern farming techniques, value chain management, financial literacy, and marketing strategies. Participants gained valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance their agricultural practices and expand their enterprises.

  3. Exhibitions and Demonstrations: The event included exhibitions and demonstrations where participants could explore cutting-edge agricultural technologies, tools, and products. This allowed farmers and entrepreneurs to interact directly with suppliers, industry experts, and innovators, fostering connections and showcasing the latest advancements in the agricultural sector.

  4. Networking and Partnership Opportunities: The event facilitated networking sessions where participants had the opportunity to connect, share ideas, and explore potential collaborations. Farmers, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders from different sectors exchanged contacts, formed partnerships, and explored business opportunities, furthering the goal of driving local development and economic growth.

The collaborative event organized by the Victoria Gold Foundation and JESG Integrated marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable agricultural practices and local enterprise development. The event provided a platform for knowledge exchange, innovation, and partnership building, igniting the spark for transformative change in the agricultural sector. Both organizations remain committed to fostering ongoing collaboration, empowering farmers, and driving local economic growth to create a more resilient and prosperous agricultural ecosystem.

We express our deepest appreciation to all the participants, speakers, exhibitors, and volunteers who contributed to the success of this event. Together, we are taking concrete steps toward a sustainable, inclusive, and thriving agricultural landscape.


Event Details

  • Start Time

    Sep 08, 2022, 10:00 am

  • End Time

    Sep 08, 2022, 3:00 pm

  • Event Type



  • Victoria Gold Foundation


  • Phone Number

    +234 806 527 0774

  • Email Address

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